Just in time for the holidays, we are pleased to make this major announcement: This afternoon, we rolled out our new online public access catalog.
Times change — and so does technology. After 11 years with our previous system, it was time for an upgrade to support our technological needs and to meet the expectations of our users.
Our new EOS.Web catalog offers you more research capabilities via an enhanced user experience.
The first thing you notice is many more choices right on the home screen.
Dynamic search options allow you to search for a word, title, author, or any number of elements that may be present in the items or topics you are looking for.
Publisher, publication year, ISBN and series are just a few of the useful search criteria available to you that did not exist in the previous system.
Our growing online document collection consisting of both scanned and “born digital” documents can now be more easily searched, providing you with full-text PDFs on your computer or smart phone.
As we refine the user interface and deploy other enhancements, we will be highlighting more features of EOS.web here, and explaining how to use them.
Some of the tools in the planning stages are very exciting for us as well as Metro staff and the public at large.
Staff users will be able to customize RSS feeds to alert them to new library materials and online reports that pertain to subject areas of interest to them.
They will also be able to manage their own accounts and review what they have checked out.
Eventually, we will be able to turn our reference questions and other information into FAQs to begin building a local transportation data and research knowledge base.
Users will be able to search this tool for information, finding answers to their research questions about Los Angeles transit and transportation projects and programs as well as a wide array of historical information regarding our predecessor transit agencies.
Please note that our catalog is accessible via your mobile device as well at http://librarycat.metro.net.
For now, please feel free to explore EOS.web. Check out the numerous transportation research databases and other links in the left-hand column.
And most of all, stay tuned for more exciting features to be launched in the coming year!