News and Updates: The latest on what's happening at our Library and Archive

20 Years Ago Today: Groundbreaking For The “Fully Automated” Metro Green Line…But Why Doesn’t It Go To LAX?

Today marks the 20th anniversary of Metro’s Green Line groundbreaking.  The 23-mile long rail line connects Norwalk in the east to El Segundo and Westchester

Reading L.A.: The Los Angeles Times Takes On The Literature Of L.A.’s Architecture & Urbanism Throughout 2011

Los Angeles Times architecture critic Christopher Hawthorne has announced a new year-long project titled “Reading L.A.” Each month, Hawthorne will be examining Los Angeles through

“Angeleños?”: You Say AN-jell-ease, I Say AN-juh-luhs

People who live in Los Angeles may find themselves asking a deceptively simple question more than residents of other cities: Who are we? Los Angeles’

Los Angeles’ First Diesel Buses: A Look Back At The Fleet & The 1943 Birth Of Smog

Today, the Los Angeles County Metrpolitan Transportation Authority retired its last diesel bus from its fleet of over 2,200 vehicles. This historic day marks Metro’s

Research Roundup: Climate Change In State Transportation Policy, OCTA’s Draft Long Range Plan & Green Jobs From Freight Rail

With a comprehensive climate bill stalled at the federal level, many are turning to the states to make progress toward reducing carbon emissions.  Are the

Recent Research: Urban Congestion Trends, High-Speed Rail Lessons & Travel Assistance Device Deployment

Is traffic congestion getting better or worse? The Federal Highway Administration collects various statistics each year to help us understand whether traffic is improving or

Resources To Know: California Transit Association & Its Annual Legislative Summary

Since its founding in 1965, the California Transit Association (CTA) has been a primary advocate for public transportation in the state. The Association’s team of

Resources To Know: The MUTCD — A Book In The News This Week You May Never Have Heard Of That Impacts You Every Day

A relatively obscure book is receiving its 15 minutes (or more) of fame this week, The Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This set

Digitization And Transportation: Northwestern University’s Google Books Project

Beginning today, Northwestern University’s Transportation Library begins its Google Books Digitization Project. The University Libraries and Google are partnering to digitize hundreds of thousands of

Light Rail On Wilshire? Why, That Would Be Illegal!

The recent selection of a route alignment for the Westside Subway Extension, as well as the release of the Wilshire Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit final