This repository contains the digitized issues of employee news magazines created by:
- Pacific Electric (PE), 1918-1953
- Los Angeles Railway (LARy) 1920-1945
- Los Angeles Transit Lines (LATL) 1945-1958
- Metropolitan Coach Lines (MCL) 1953-1958
- Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LAMTA) 1958-1964
- Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) 1964-1993
- Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACTC) 1977-1993
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA, “Metro”) 1993-present
Employee news magazines ended with the creation of an employee Intranet (MyMetro) in 1998. Individual articles have been harvested from the Intranet published between 1998 and 2009.
News magazine titles include:
Two Bells (Los Angeles Railway)
Pacific Electric Magazine; PERyScope (Pacific Electric)
Metro Coach News (Metropolitan Coach Lines)
The Emblem (Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority)
Inside Moves (Los Angeles County Transportation Commission)
Headway; Metro News Bulletin; Rapid Transit Digest; RTD Flyer (Southern California Rapid Transit District)
CEO Report; CEO Daily Brief; Every Voice Counts Weekly Brief; Metro Family; Metro News; Metro Quarterly; Metropolitan Transportation Authority News; MTA Review; Running Times (Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority)
If you are interested in a particular title or date, you may access the master directory of all issues.