The Transportation Research Board (TRB) recently conducted a webinar that explored practical tips for searching the Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS), Research In Progress (RIP), and Research Needs Statements (RNS) databases.
The presenters provide an overview of each database, offer tips on how to refine searches for greater accuracy and relevancy, and demonstrate advanced features added last year. These databases are critical to comprehensive, accurate research in the transportation field. The panelists also discuss ways they use TRB databases to enhance their research programs.
The Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) database is the largest online bibliographic database of transportation research. TRIS now contains more than 650,000 records of published research covering all modes and disciplines of transportation. TRIS is produced and maintained by the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies with sponsorship by state Departments of Transportation and the administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other sponsors of TRB’s core technical activities. These records cover government and academic technical reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, studies and statistics. Approximately 10% of these records contain links to full-text online sources. Citations and abstracts are provided for the other 90% of items. We will review how to get full-text access to these resources in a future post.
The Research In Progress database allows users to browse project records by subject, use a look-up directory for individuals and organizations, subscribe to receive email notification of new RIP records in specific subject areas, and submit current research projects.
An important function of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) is to stimulate research that addresses concerns, issues, or problems facing the transportation community. In support of this function, TRB Technical Activities standing committees identify, develop, and disseminate Research Need Statements (RNS) for use by practitioners, researchers, and others. The RNS in this database have been developed by the technical committees.