This framework developed in 1970 serves as the basis for the city’s long-range development plan in eliminating or alleviating current problems and anticipating and dealing with future issues before they become serious problems.
1. Major “centers” having a high intensity of development and activity: employment, housing, retail services, business services, government services and entertainment
2. Low-density “suburbs” comprised of single-family residences with necessary facilities for local business and public services
3. Open spaces of various sizes, including small public and private parks and plazas in centers; neighborhood and community parks and recreational facilities in suburbs; district and regional parks and recreational facilities, including golf courses; large natural areas; and a network of trails and/or corridor parks connecting other spaces to the maximum extent feasible
4. Industrial areas distributed throughout the city at locations convenient to both places of residence and freight transportation facilities, developed in a manner to assure compatibility with adjacent land use of other types
5. A comprehensive transportation system, including: a fully developed highway and freeway system, a rapid transit network with feeder lines, and local bus transit; a region-wide air terminal system serving local and inter-city movement; and a freight movement and terminal system
The Concept suggests connecting 56 high density centers with a grade-separated, above or below ground, transit network.