Category: Research and Publications

Planning Los Angeles

Los Angeles Isn’t Planned, It Just Happens, Right? Not So Fast!

“Call it ugly, call it beautiful, call it dysfunctional — but don’t call Los Angeles unplanned.” So begins a chapter titled “Challenging The Myth Of

Rethinking A Lot: The Design And Culture Of Parking

There are an estimated 600,000,000 passenger cars in the world, and that number is increasing every day. So, too, is Earth’s supply of parking spaces.

Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools For Creating Vibrant, Healthy, And Resilient Communities

The Great American Dream of cruising down the parkway, zipping from here to there at any time has given way to a true nightmare that

Regional Planning For A Sustainable America: How Creative Programs Are Promoting Prosperity And Saving The Environment

Carleton K. Montgomery’s Regional Planning for a Sustainable America is the first book to represent the great variety of today’s effective regional planning programs, analyzing

Urban Transformation Through Transit-Oriented Development And the Sustainable City: Hollywood & Highland And Pico / San Vicente

In the gorgeous new book titled Urban Transformation: Transit Oriented Development And The Sustainable City, authors Ronald A. Altoon and James C. Auld address the intersections

No More Play: Conversations On Open Space And Urban Speculation In Los Angeles And Beyond

In No More Play: Conversations on Urban Speculation in Los Angeles and Beyond, American architect Michael Maltzan traces the transformations that have taken place in

Grid / Street / Place: Essential Elements Of Sustainable Urban Districts

Today’s urban resident is seeking a more flexible, sustainable environment — representing a unique, diverse, vibrant and responsible way of living — as an alternative

L.A. Under The Influence: The Hidden Logic Of Urban Property

In the American city, property rights involve not one but numerous stakeholders, some connected to the parcel by title and others through less formal arrangements,

How Local Politics Shape Federal Policy: Business, Power, And The Environment In Twentieth-Century Los Angeles

A notable new title about Los Angeles’ struggles with oil drilling, air pollution, flooding, and water and power supplies exposes the clout business has had

Watch Ellen Dunham-Jones On Retrofitting Suburbia: Updated Urban Design Solutions For Redesigning Suburbs

Last year, author and Georgia Tech professor Ellen Dunham-Jones spoke to an Atlanta audience on the topic of “retrofitting suburbia,” delivering a riveting 20-minute TED Talk, one