June 17: This Date in Los Angeles Transportation History
1957: Groundbreaking ceremonies are held for the construction of the Santa Monica Freeway. The first work is done in a paved channel of the Los
1957: Groundbreaking ceremonies are held for the construction of the Santa Monica Freeway. The first work is done in a paved channel of the Los
1983: The Los Angeles Times endorses Metro Rail. In an editorial, the newspaper underscores the need for Metro Rail as the backbone of the countywide
1916: Pacific Electric Magazine debuts. The publication serves as the “Big Red Cars” employee news magazine for more than 37 years before ceasing publication in
1875: The first horsecar, known as “Old No. 1,” arrives in Los Angeles to begin service on the Agricultural Park Line beginning July 1. Agricultural
2016: Metro Board of Directors’ Executive Management Committee receives an update on California state Legislative Budget Committees Transportation and Cap and Trade Proposals. More information
1980: The Southern California Rapid Transit District Board of Directors approves a new fare structure with a 50-cent base charge, with no transfers. Seniors and
1937: The last section of Manchester Boulevard (State Highway Route No. 174) is dedicated for public use in Anaheim. The route extends eastward from State
1988: The Southern California Rapid Transit District awards the manufacturing contract for subway cars on the forthcoming Metro Rail system. Breda Costruzioni Ferroviarie, an Italian
1972: The Southern California Rapid Transit District informs the federal Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) that it itends to file a formal application for a
2006: Funeral services are held for “Employee of the Century,” Arthur Winston. Winston worked for a succession of transit organizations until he passed away one